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The Story behind the VA Lounge

11th September 2023

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The UKVA Conference and Awards are hugely excited to have The VA Lounge sponsor the drinks reception of the UKVA Awards 2023.  I am so excited to share the story behind The VA Lounge and how it helps it’s members.

“Bored and lonely I sat in my cave of an office underneath the stairs. Alas I was no Harry Potter so could not conjure up any work mates. The thing when you are a solo entrepreneur / freelancer / queen of owns work life or however you wish to label yourself, it can be a little bit quiet and you are basically running the whole show with little or no one to bounce ideas off or have a good old moan to! It is so important to have others around you. And most importantly to surround yourself with people who “get it”! ”

Built out of the necessity to fill that gap left by leaving colleagues, The VA Lounge was launched in January 2021 by Hayley Hudson, a Virtual Assistant based in Deal, Kent.

Working as a VA business owner can sometimes be a tough gig. 

Lonely, confusing and no one to bounce your ideas off or share the horror stories and wins of your week with. 

The VA Lounge provides an environment for you to connect with others in a very relaxed and open way. 

Whether it is at our lively Coffee Club catch-ups or in one of our Skill Sessions, it is an opportunity to make real relationships with real people. 

The VA Lounge is built by VAs for VAs.

The VA Lounge might not be for you. It might not be the right vibe for what you are looking for, but it is a fun tribe of laid back, honest VA business owners, supporting and cheerleading each other on. 

Some new, some well seasoned with a ton of experience and advice to help you decide what is right for you. Everyone, wherever you are in your business journey , brings their own unique take on the multiple questions that are asked and supported. 

Lounger Memberships are affordable and can either be purchased on a monthly or annual basis. 

Membership includes:

-Weekly Coffee Club where you can share your week, grow your network and ask questions.

-Monthly Skills Session covering anything from pricing your offer to software training, 

– Access to the Skills Hub where you can watch not just the current Skills Session but all previous skills sessions since April 2023.

– The VA Lounge monthly Newsletter, keeping you up to date with industry news, all the news from the lounge and any events we think you might be interested in outside the lounge and loads more – our favourite part – Around the World in 80 VAs

– Access to The VA Lounge Community Group, currently on LinkedIn a place to post job opportunities, look for work, share a problem and a bit of “office banter”.

– Monthly Accountability Session, keeping you focused on building your business, rather than building your clients.

Think of this membership more of an investment in your personal development in business.

If you are still looking for your VA tribe then why not follow our page on socials and look out for our open days, where you can have a free taster of what the vibe is like. 


Amanda Johnson, Founder of VA Training Academy®, Military Veteran, VA Coach Trainer and Mentor - wearing her miniature medals

Amanda Johnson is not just a mentor; she is a catalyst for transformation in the Virtual Assistant industry, helping professionals not only start but scale their businesses to new heights. Her dedication to her clients’ success is matched only by her commitment to integrity, honesty, and empowerment.

VACT logo - home of the VA training academy, the UK VA Conference and the UK VA Awards

Welcome to our refreshed home!

We’ve given VACT’s VA Training Academy® a makeover, but your favourite resources are still here. 

Check it out, update your bookmarks, and let us know what you think of our new look – we’re excited!

Be sure to explore our updated courses and free resources too. We’ve got awesome new stuff coming that you won’t want to miss.

Thanks for joining us!

VACT logo - home of the VA training academy, the UK VA Conference and the UK VA Awards

Welcome to our refreshed home!

We’ve given VACT’s VA Training Academy® a makeover, but your favourite resources are still here. 

Check it out, update your bookmarks, and let us know what you think of our new look – we’re excited!

Be sure to explore our updated courses and free resources too. We’ve got awesome new stuff coming that you won’t want to miss.

Thanks for joining us!