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Even though a business coach has deep expertise in areas like strategy, operations, leadership etc., thought partnership isn’t about the coach lecturing or instructing. Instead, it’s an open dialogue where both people contribute their perspectives, experiences and ideas for solving a particular business challenge or exploring a topic of shared interest. This approach avoids the imbalance that can happen when conversations are heavily weighted towards the “expert” providing one-way advice to someone less knowledgeable. Thought partnership keeps both the coach and client on an equal footing as fellow problem-solvers.
Over the period of 12 months, you will get 18 sessions of 45 mins to talk with Amanda. You can choose the frequency of these sessions. These are bespoke sessions of co-creating, problem-solving, mutual learning and growth.
We will spend 45 minutes in genuine thought partnership. Emerge with clarity, inspiration, and a concrete action plan for tackling your most complex issues.
Amanda acts as an engaged sounding board, giving you the space to verbally process ideas in a non-judgmental, safe environment. As your skilled thought partner, Amanda can see things that you cannot, offering fresh angles, identifying blind spots, and making connections across ideas over time. She will act as an accountability partner while helping you to stay true to their values, long-term goals and overcome self-doubt by providing an outside perspective.
Once you have bought, you will be sent an email on how to book your call into Amanda’s diary. You will also receive a short set of questions that will help Amanda to be able to help you on the call.
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Collaborative Exploration: These sessions provide a unique space for mutual exploration and idea exchange. You’ll engage in an active dialogue with Amanda bouncing ideas back and forth to uncover fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to your challenges. It’s a true peer-to-peer partnership focused on creative problem-solving.
Diverse Thinking Styles: Depending on your needs, Amanda may act as a resonant thought partner who thinks similarly to you, acting as a sounding board to refine your ideas. Or, you can choose a complementary thought partner whose different thinking style stretches your viewpoint in new directions. This powerful combination of resonance and diversity unlocks deeper insights.
Mutual Growth and Learning: Unlike traditional advice or mentorship with an expert-novice dynamic, thought partnership is an equal exchange from which both parties benefit. You’ll gain clarity and actionable strategies, while your thought partner gains valuable real-world context and experience. It’s a synergistic process of co-creation and shared learning.
Suspendisse in mi sit amet sem volutpat ornare a molestie diam. Sed aliquet eros justo, rutrum volutpat metus semper vel. Nunc volutpat sapien eget ipsum faucibus efficitur scelerisque nec massa. Nullam eleifend non elit vitae tempor. Nam efficitur lobortis tellus, a sagittis nisi sollicitudin nec. Donec luctus volutpat dolor, lacinia fringilla lectus ornare sit amet. Sed fermentum mattis aliquam. Ut venenatis luctus neque non pretium.
Nullam in quam faucibus, imperdiet turpis ut, ultricies neque. Fusce luctus vehicula sapien lobortis condimentum. Ut condimentum mi eu neque tincidunt, vitae sodales tortor feugiat. Etiam vulputate vestibulum ligula, vel faucibus erat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam consequat, nisi sit amet ornare mattis, nisl augue ultricies augue, et pretium ligula urna sit amet diam. Nullam et nunc lectus. Integer nec sagittis massa. Proin ac egestas quam, vel cursus diam.
Maecenas in blandit enim. Morbi orci turpis, placerat in velit eu, rutrum feugiat sem. Nam posuere aliquam urna ac vulputate. Mauris ut ligula ac lacus mattis hendrerit vel nec libero. Integer aliquam laoreet metus, at laoreet dui molestie ac. Etiam id ipsum sed mauris sagittis accumsan at sit amet eros.
Suspendisse in mi sit amet sem volutpat ornare a molestie diam. Sed aliquet eros justo, rutrum volutpat metus semper vel. Nunc volutpat sapien eget ipsum faucibus efficitur scelerisque nec massa. Nullam eleifend non elit vitae tempor. Nam efficitur lobortis tellus, a sagittis nisi sollicitudin nec. Donec luctus volutpat dolor, lacinia fringilla lectus ornare sit amet. Sed fermentum mattis aliquam. Ut venenatis luctus neque non pretium.
Phasellus facilisis scelerisque ullamcorper. Curabitur rutrum eget elit at laoreet. Vestibulum quis magna faucibus, pretium dolor eu, blandit dolor. Maecenas sit amet urna at ante mattis iaculis semper in justo. Integer semper blandit pulvinar. Nam rhoncus ac quam sed vulputate. Ut sit amet est erat.
Etiam vulputate vestibulum ligula, vel faucibus erat. Nulla facilisi. Nullam consequat, nisi sit amet ornare mattis, nisl augue ultricies augue, et pretium ligula urna sit amet diam. Nullam et nunc lectus. Integer nec sagittis massa. Proin ac egestas quam, vel cursus diam.
From Virtual Assistants who understand what it takes to build and grow a successful business learn 14 top tips for success that will help you build a consistent, relevant and successful VA business.
Empowering ambitious virtual assistants like you to reach your full potential, through a combination of servant leadership, coaching, mentoring and training since 2014.
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We’ve given VACT’s VA Training Academy® a makeover, but your favourite resources are still here.
Check it out, update your bookmarks, and let us know what you think of our new look – we’re excited!
Be sure to explore our updated courses and free resources too. We’ve got awesome new stuff coming that you won’t want to miss.
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