Tips on How to Confidently Handle Enquiries
- by Amanda Johnson
OK so how many of you want the phone to ring or a DM to drop into your Inbox and it be someone enquiring about your services.
BUT… you also have this fear of saying the wrong thing to them, sounding expensive and most of all, getting tongue-tied. Of course, you want to be prepared and know that the person at the other end of the enquiry loves the sound of what you do and wants to work with you instead of another VA!

Does the thought of handling enquiries send you into a state of frenzy or excitement…or perhaps both?
So, how to you avoid coming across like a nervous teenager and instead to come across as a confident business owner who can make a sale?
First rule! It’s NOT about you. “It’s about them.”
I know this is going to sound really weird, BUT avoid selling to them, instead add value. If you’ve already had a call with that person, they’ve moved from an enquirer to a warm prospect.
I would, instead, use that phone call to get to know what challenges that person was currently experiencing, the solution they wanted to achieve and the business results they needed to arrive at.
Be someone they want to know, like and trust.
“OK, Amanda so if I’m not selling, why would someone call me for more information and what information should I be giving them?” I hear you ask.
The fact of the matter is, they won’t always know what information they are asking for, especially if they’re not that familiar with VAs. What they will have possibly is a challenge and they have probably got to the point that they are frustrated with that challenge and need a solution, fast!
Here are my tips to what you can do to be prepared and handle enquiries with confidence.
1. Be welcoming.
The fact that they’ve called you or sent you a message is great, there’s a need. If they have picked up the phone and telephoned you, be sure to be welcoming on the phone and smile.
You can really ‘hear’ if someone is smiling. Listen to the sound of their voice, if they are anxious about a challenge, help to put them at ease. Let them know how much time you can spend with them now and what you’ll go through with them in that call…and ask if that’s all good with them. If they’re short on time or you are, I would strongly suggest arranging for another time, sooner than later. If they have rung you without an appointment it is ok to say that you are unavailable right now and that you can speak at [insert time].
2. Ask about whether they have used a VA before?
They may currently be or have recently used the services of another VA. Never assume that if they’re choosing to leave that VA that it’s something negative. It could be that they’ve moved on and the current or past VA doesn’t possess the skills to assist the client with what they want to achieve.
It’s fine to ask what reasons they have for no longer using that VA for your own peace of mind. The other reason here is that they never have used a VA before and even could be slightly sceptical at the fact that you’re virtual. Therefore, this is where you need to educate them. (Yes we still get people who are confused by the fact that we can support them virtually – although since COVID 19 this is getting less.)
3. Educate them.
Do use this as an opportunity to educate them briefly about using a VA, however, the focus here is to educate them on how you can help solve their challenges. Discover what goals they must and want to achieve in their business and by when.
Then, establish what their challenges are and how they’re preventing the business moving forward or creating them stress perhaps.
You will be able to tell where to direct this part of the conversation based on the tonality of their voice. If you think at this point, you don’t actually have the right skills to support this person, be authentic and instead refer them to someone who can assist them.
4. Get across that you’re exceptional or awesome as I like to think of you.
They may very well be talking with another VA, never state how other VAs are different to you, just focus on what you are exceptional and awesome at. What are you passionate about doing specifically and what do you know you’re good at.
Please avoid using the term ‘I’m highly professional’, as everyone says that. Instead, if you already have clients, state why they chose you to work with and offer that they can speak to your clients where you have permission to do so.
Case studies work better than testimonials, as they get across what the client’s challenge was, the solution you created and the results your client experienced. People are attracted by the results if the challenges resonate with them. If you don’t have clients yet, go through what your solutions would be and help your clients to focus on the results they want to achieve and create awareness for them on how their goals are important to them.
When someone listens to me and creates that space for me to clear the clutter and offered a green light, it makes all the difference.
5. Discuss your pricing
When you get people to focus on cost, then it will be a cost. Enable them to see that this is an investment, to focus on where they are spending a lot of their valuable time on activities that drain their productivity and even get them to state what an hour of their time is worth to their business. When they can see that they are throwing good money down the loo, they’ll realise something must change.
Entrepreneurs need to be able to have the freedom to focus on their talent, not the admin of their business. If they think you’re expensive, then you’ve not got the value across to them. It’s not about saving time and money, it’s about results and freedom. This will also help you to get across the value and benefits. Focus on the benefits of working with you and not the features.
6. Agree the next stage.
They may ask for a proposal or even more information. People can only absorb so much information. I would suggest either asking them what specifically they’d find useful to receive and then present a summary of what you discussed along with a summary of their challenges, your solutions, and an outline of their desired results. Keep it simple and remember less is more.
7. Follow-up fast.
By sending something by email means they’ll receive it immediately. However, never leave it to chance, assume nothing. Call – yes call – and ask that your email has arrived. Then state you’ll follow up with them on a mutually agreed day. Then put that date and time in the diary and call them. If you leave it to them to call you, chances are they won’t. Perhaps due to time. If they’ve spoken to other VAs, by showing you’re proactive at this stage will tell them a lot about how you are proactive for your clients.
8. Helping them to take the next step.
Make it easy for them to buy from you. By following up and asking them what they best way forward is for them, you’re only helping them to get the best out of their business. Unless you are desperate, they’ll pick up that you genuinely want to be their Virtual Assistant.
If you’d like to explore how the VA Training Academy can help you become a VA and make that onboarding of new clients easier, why not book in a call? Not only will you get to speak directly to your potential future VA trainer, you’ll also be able to confirm whether we’d be a good fit for each other!
So head on over to and book in a date and time that suits you – I look forward to speaking with you! You see I know we are not the right training company for all Virtual Assistants and so you could also check out this blog to see if we are right for you.